Songs For Justice Sponsorship
What is Songs For Justice?
Songs For Justice is a convergence of music, spoken word, visual art, poetry, history as well as discussion questions into ten vinyl 45 records that include inspiring and educational information and resources to stimulate dialogue and, ultimately, healing and change. These records will be released periodically on significant historical dates in the struggle for civil and human rights. Each record will feature various leaders, events and narratives around an array of civil and human rights causes and issues.
Why Support This Project?
Opportunity to Stand for Justice: Provides an opportunity to go beyond simply writing a company statement on social justice to engage in a tangible, substantive initiative to advance community justice organizations and programs.
Support Music For Everyone: At the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic, we concentrated all of our efforts at re-imagining and restructuring our programs to meet the emerging needs of our community: from bringing Music Friday to neighborhoods on flatbed trucks to shifting our Music Mentors from in-person lessons, ensemble groups and summer camp to an online format, to reimagining our beloved Keys for the City program by arranging and underwriting the creation of numerous music themed murals throughout the city. In short, our focus has been singular in rethinking and restructuring our programs to meet community needs in what was a challenging time, and to continue to do so now.
Asking For Your Help: Clearly, the discussions of inequity and social justice need to remain at the forefront for the foreseeable future. The issues we face as a society are not going away any time soon. Our ability to continue to serve our community in this regard remains dependent upon community support. That being the case, the Songs For Justice album provides an alternative fundraising platform for MFE.
Double, Triple or Even Quadruple Your Donation’s Impact: Not only will your sponsorship support MFE, it will also directly benefit other Lancaster non-profit organizations that are working in the area of social justice and racial equity that is the focus each record. To accomplish this goal, MFE will provide an inventory of albums to these organizations to sell to raise money for their programs and services. MFE believes that collaborating with others CBO’s creates more opportunities for everyone to succeed. This is one of those opportunities as now more than ever we must work collaboratively to meet the challenges of the day.
MFE is seeking partners in our Songs for Justice project to help in underwriting expenses to ensure that even more resources can go to creating a more just and equitable society. As an organization that shares these values with MFE, we invite you to become a key partner in this project by helping to underwrite future SFJ records. Several options are outlined below: We hope that one fits your budget and provides you with an opportunity to highlight your commitment to social justice and equality to the community at large. To support the project or connect with the MFE team to learn more, please fill out the following form. For a PDF version of the sponsorship