Annual Grant Application Guidelines
Please Note: Only Online Grant Applications Will Be Considered!
See the section on “Grant Application Procedures” for more information. If you have any access to internet barriers or have any questions, please email Mark Marafioti at (or call 717-871-7804) and we will do our best to make accommodations.
Submissions must be submitted online by January 24, 2025
Nonprofit community-based organizations, public and private schools are invited to apply for funding from Music for Everyone (MFE).
Music for Everyone supports organizations that are committed to creatively utilizing music as an educational and community building tool.
Geographic Area Served
Music for Everyone grants are awarded to organizations serving Lancaster County, PA. The Music for Everyone Board of Directors may choose to extend the area under unique circumstances.
Grant Purpose
Grants are awarded to support projects or programs that increase access to music for typically underserved populations of any age group. Special attention will be given to grant requests that support school music programs and programs that introduce children and youth to music. Music for Everyone encourages organizations to focus on a specific program or project when requesting assistance.
Grant Amount
In 2025 we hope to give at least $70,000 in grants. Most successful grant requests range from $500 to $2,500, but proposals for amounts up to $5,000+ may be submitted. Larger grants are made at the discretion of the Music for Everyone Board of Directors. Your grant proposal stands a better chance of being successful if it can be partially funded. For instance if your proposal asks for $1,000 to buy 4 musical instruments we may grant you $500 to buy 2 instruments. To that end, it is helpful for you to prioritize your needs.
Grant Application Procedures
Please refer to our Grant Application Form for instructions on how to apply for a grant. Grant applications will consist of two sections. The first, is the grant application page, which can be found on our website. The second, relates to our efforts in teaming up with online retailer Woodwind and Brasswind (Please see below). While not required, you may provide additional backup documentation about your organization and/or program.
The 2025 Grant Process
In an effort to provide as many instruments as possible through our grant program, Music For Everyone has teamed up with online retailer Woodwind and Brasswind. WWBW has offered MFE a bulk discount on instruments through their education portal which requires a login username and password to access. You can receive your login information by emailing Mark Marafioti.
In completing the second section, please use the “2025 Grant Request Item Sheet” to provide information relating to the specific instruments you are requesting that are found on the Woodwind and Brasswind portal, and submit this document with your grant application. Documents should include information about the instrument, SKU number, and price. Grant applicants who utilize the WWBW portal will be given preferential treatment, though all grants will be considered.
If an item is not available through the WWBW portal, make a note of this when submitting your grant, as this will be taken into consideration.
For any questions on the new grant process please contact Mark Marafioti.
Submissions must be postmarked by January 24, 2025.
Grant Cycle
Grants are made annually in the spring. Grant recipients will be notified by the end of March. Please note that instrument disbursals may take longer this year due to instrument availability.
What We Do Not Fund
Music for Everyone will not award grants to support individual musicians, attendance at conferences or seminars, fundraising events, religious or political causes.
A Special Note About Churches
MFE will consider awarding grants to churches for programs that serve the general public without promoting the specific agenda of the church. As an example, we would support a summer music program that is open to all children in a church’s neighborhood. Exceptions, if any, will be at the discretion of the MFE board.
Grants will be made to public, tax-exempt charities or educational organizations as defined in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code.
Grant proposals are evaluated according to the following criteria:
- • Educational component is clearly defined with stated needs and goals, or
- • The project or program has broad and/or strong community impact;
- • The organization has the capability to utilize the grant funds efficiently and effectively.
Site Visits
Please note that there may be a site visit prior to the award of the grant or at some point during the funding cycle. The grant review committee looks for organizations that have clearly defined goals, effective cost control and skilled management.
Follow Up
All final grant decisions are made by the Music for Everyone Board of Directors. Progress reports on the use of grant funds will be required in six months and by the end of the calendar year. The final report will consist of a one-to-two-page narrative account of program accomplishments, including a description of progress made toward achieving the goals of the grant. Grant recipients must also provide receipts (is applicable) showing that grant funds were used for their intended purpose.
MFE would also like an opportunity to speak about our organization at a district music event where the instruments are being used. If this is possible please let us know in your follow up.
We welcome and encourage your questions. Please e-mail Mark Marafioti.