Songs For Justice Vol. 1

Inside the album

Terian Mack – “Believe”

In short, TERIAN MACK is extremely unique, energetic, and vibrant. in 2015 MACK was featured on and then went on tour in the summer of that year. In 2016 Terian started working with The Heatmakerz (credits: Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, and Fat Joe to name a few). In 2017 he began working in Jungle City Studios(NYC) on his EP, BABYLON THE GREAT. Jungle City has recorded recent albums for some of the most elite artist like Jay-Z, Beyonce, and Kanye. To Taylor Swift, Rihanna, and Justin Bieber.

Check out Terian’s music on SPOTIFY or INSTAGRAM.

Stream Terian Mack’s “Believe” / lyrics

“In opposition to the repeal of the Common School Law of 1834”

Delivered to the House of Representatives by The Honorable Thaddeus Stevens. Read by Mr. Pedro Rivera

Pedro Rivera is the current President of Thaddeus Stevens College

Stream “In opposition to the repeal of the Common School Law of 1834”
Delivered to the House of Representatives by The Honorable Thaddeus Stevens
Read by Mr. Pedro Rivera

Art by Gerri McCritty

My inspiration for this painting comes from the many times I have seen and been around less fortunate young boys and girls from all backgrounds and colors.  The one thing that I see they all have in common is a shimmering gold light of hope. 

Visit her Gallery’s website:, Facebook or Instagram pages.

Gerri McCritty – Our Hope for Tomorrow – Boy/Girl

Le Hinton – Poet

I wrote the poem in July 2020 in response to conversations about how to explain 2020 to the little ones, the pandemic, the death of African Americans at the hands of the police, the general hatred that seemed to hang in the air. After thinking about it for a while, I imagined this grandfather and granddaughter moment. There is almost always an innocence with children that doesn’t change quickly. There’s a kindness that endures.

Visit Le’s website:

Until We’re Not

I kneel at the side of my granddaughter's bed,
then fold my hands to the indifferent god of life.

She takes a breath, then rests her arms on the 8-starred
quilt, dark tan and textured, like her elbows.
We pray for her mommy whose

white lab coat tumbles in the dryer. We pray for Buddy,
her orange, cotton lion, stuffed and forever smiling.

She asks, Can we pray for the mail lady
in the mask who brought Buddy to the front door,
because we're all in this together?

What about Miss Jan next door and her dog, Minnie?
And Mrs. Dodd across the street? And my best friend, Desmond?

After we do, I tuck her under the quilt,
then kiss her head. I forgot Mr. George
and Mr. Floyd, she whispers.

I'll pray for them too.

Community Benefit Organization

MFE is proud to partner with local community benefit organizations who are doing exceptional social justice work. In this volume of Songs for Justice we highlight the Lancaster Education Foundation.

The mission of the Lancaster Education Foundation (LEF) is to promote educational excellence in the School District of Lancaster.    

The SDoL serves a predominantly Black and Brown population in Lancaster city and its immediate suburbs.  It is 57% Hispanic, 20% African American, and 8% Asian and other.  Also, 90% of the district’s students are economically disadvantaged.    

LEF envisions a teaching and learning environment in SDoL that provides the opportunity for excellence for all, regardless of social or economic barriers.  LEF is a critical partner in providing resources and community collaborations to supplement and enrich classrooms and schools.  LEF also provides scholarships to students attending vocational programs and college beyond high school.