Songs for Justice Albums

Songs For Justice Volume 6

Featuring: Joel Makeci, CWS Staff and Leaders, Mu Kaw, Day Day, Audrey Lopez, and Ahmed Ahmed. Benefitting Church World Service.

Songs for Justice Vol #6

Songs For Justice Volume 5

Featuring: PINK i, Dr. Amanda Kemp, Eric Tonzola, Dr. Michael Jamanis and Sir Dominique Jordan the prolific one. Benefitting Lancaster Bail Fund.

Songs for Justice Vol #5

Songs For Justice Volume 4

Featuring: Lyncs, Thunda Khatt, Keisha Finnie and Marianne Colon. Benefitting Milagro House.

Songs for Justice Vol #4

Songs For Justice Volume 3

Featuring: Corey O, Ismail Smith-Wade-El, Gracie Berry and Rashid Noah. Benefitting Crispus Attucks Community Center.

Songs for Justice Vol #3

Songs For Justice Volume 2

Featuring: Hadassah, Marshall Snively, Kaya Hobbs and Brian Graves. Benefitting the Lancaster LGBTQ+ Coalition.

Songs For Justice Vol. #2

Songs For Justice Volume 1

Featuring: Terian Mack, Pedro Rivera, Gerri McCritty and Le Hinton. Benefitting the Lancaster Education Foundation.

Songs For Justice Vol. #1