Songs For Justice Vol. 2

Inside the Album

Hadassah – “Strange Fire”
Hadassah makes music that moves you. That movement could be anywhere from physical to spiritual, but with a voice that can range between angelic and guttural all in one song, know that you will be moved one way or another. Currently based in Lancaster, PA, Hadassah has added her voice and lyrics to enough different genres – jazz, indie, rock, blues and beyond – that you can just say that she creates “music,” period, and leave it at that.
Her songs wind up being journeys unto themselves, often delicately layered with mini-movements throughout their four and five minute runtimes. With a voice somewhere between Jeff Buckley and Tracy Chapman, Hadassah knows how to guide a haunting melody from her soul to yours.
Counterbalancing her intricate melodies are lyrics that can appeal to anyone with a trackable pulse. Who hasn’t given or received love, or felt a spark within themselves when certain emotions rush in? While not every song in her repertoire is about the comings and goings of love, that feeling remains inextricable when you hear Hadassah sing.
In a club or concert hall, from the cheap seats to VIP, Hadassah will leave her mark by the end of her set, if she hasn’t already by the end of her first song.
Check out Hadassah’s music on BANDCAMP or INSTAGRAM

Obergefell v Hodges
Opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States Obergefell v Hodges – June 26, 2015 (Edited) Justice Kennedy delivered the opinion of the Court. Read by Marshall Snively
Marshall Snively is the current President of Lancaster City Alliance.
Art By Kaya Hobbs
The piece shows 8 figures, 7 facing toward the end of the canvas. Some shouting some with fists raised and one laying in the fetal position. At the end of the line the black and brown figures represent the black and brown people who have fought so hard for queer liberation. All are in front of a flowing banner with the colors of the trans flag as rays of light shine from behind.
This piece was inspired by every attempt made for queer liberation. It was also inspired by the intersections of the queer experience and how everyone has come together and fought to protect those most vulnerable. The banner waving in the background is to show support for those who are living in their trans experience no matter what that looks like. The rays of light are the hope and empowerment that drives us. This piece is a call to our strength as a community and how important it is to access that and uphold it during times of turmoil and peace.

Visit Kaya’s INSTAGRAM
Brian Graves – Poet
I wanted to include the idea of the LGBTQ+ Pride Flag and the rainbow symbolism without being too overt with it. The idea of gumballs came to me as children are often associated with candy stores and the variety of treasure that can be found in there. This poem, to me, aims to encourage children, teens, and adults in the LGBTQ+ community to stay inspired by all the hidden treasures and candies that life has to offer and to live authentically and unapologetically always.”
Visit Brian’s INSTAGRAM
All The Varying Colors by Brian Graves

All the varying colors, my child
Like gumballs in a candy store
Will sing into your mouth forevermore
Wrap you like ribbons, soft to feel
Cast the brightest shadow, my child
Light the love in each and ever'eye
A trail of gumballs to be left behind
Lead them up and into the sky
This world is a big dirty disco ball
So sleep in your makeup
And dream when you wake up
Be sure to feel all the varying colors
Community Benefit Organization
MFE is proud to partner with local community benefit organizations who are doing exceptional social justice work. In this volume of Songs for Justice we highlight the Lancaster LGBTQ+ Coalition.

Lancaster LGBTQ+ Coalition is a 501(c)(3) organization that works to build a supportive and enriching community abundant in opportunities for LGBTQ+ individuals and those with a stake in creating a more inclusive Lancaster County.
Since our first stakeholder meeting in February of 2019, we have been creating community partnerships to tackle issues such as access to dignified healthcare, affordable affirming shelters and retirement communities, and spaces where all intersections of our community feel heard and at home. We have worked closely with Union Community Care and to help ensure truly affirming healthcare. In response to the housing crisis worsening due to the pandemic, we started the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Response Team (HEART) program to help folks live in supportive and affirming subsidized housing.
“Housing has been a primary concern for us, specifically for ages 26 and under. As a therapist I heard firsthand of the accounts of kids and young adults living in emotionally abusive and unsupportive homes. 40% of of homeless youth served by agencies identify as LGBTQ+ and there is nowhere in Lancaster County that we can send our community to that will support and affirm who they are.”
—Karen Foley, Executive Director, Lancaster LGBTQ+ Coalition
How you can help
Volunteer for the HEART program or donate in support of the Lancaster LGBTQ+ Coalition, including personal donations as well as corporate gifts and housing sponsors.